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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Refleksi: Apa bisa gw berhasil?

Okay, without going wider, I'll talk to the point, even simple, I'll write in Bahasa Indonesia.

Sesuai judul yg gw tulis, seharusnya pertanyaan di atas bisa dijadikan bahan refleksi gk cuma u/gw, tapi yg lain juga. Menyambung tulisan gw yg judulnya Time: Friend or Enemy? harusnya bagi orng yg baca terus terbuai dalam kesenangan bisa terpecut. Klo ada tugas, terlepas apa pekerjaan lw, mau pelajar, mahasiswa, pekerja, dll, klo lw tunda sampe h-n (mepetlah) ya mau lw geber habis2an itu tugas gk akan ngasih hasil yg baik. Walaupun lw bisa nyelesain, pasti banyak aja yg kurang. Why? ya lw kerja buru2, kadang detail dari guidance yg dikasih cuma dibaca skimming aja. ya kali, sekali jadi langsung perfect? secara logika itu impossible. Yg ada lw cuma digilas sama waktu lagi karena harus revisi&ternyata yg direvisi itu banyak. Udh, waktu makin seneng giles lw. Dampaknya, seharusnya di waktu tsb, lw bisa nyelesain tugas yg lain, harus tertunda karena harus revisi tugas yg lw geber habis di waktu yg mepet. 

Mba,mas, sukses itu gk dateng ketika lw ngerjain sesuatu yag udh h-mepet, only a few can do that, tapi mostly, pasti ada yg salah&banyak pula. Pola tsb yg harus direvisi. Semangat bukan dateng pas lw dikejar deadline yg udh mepet. nih pepatah Cina kuno: "The man can make a way great, not the way can make man great". intinya, semua keberhasilan itu bukan karena cara yg lw lakukan dlm ngerjain sesuatu, tapi bagaimana lw membuat cara yg baik dan juga menghasilkan sesuatu yg baik juga. Bukan semangat yg muncul dlm diri lw ketika deadline mengejar, tetapi bagaimana lw munculin semangat u/ngerjain tugas ketika deadline masih jauh u/ngejar&giles lw. itu yg bener.

Selanjutnya, munculin dua pola pikir ini, pertama : orng lain kok bisa, kenapa gw gk bisa? itu harus lw munculin. Tuhan maha adil kok, kita semua diciptain sama dan dlm bentuk sebaik2nya, klo lw Islam ini ada di Surat Attin ayat 4. Yg bedain cuma bagaimana lw bisa manfaatin waktu dan kesempatan serta kemampuan yg lw punya. Mungkin orng lain bisa berhasil manfaatin itu, tapi lw gk. Ini yg lw harus perbaikin. Semua orng PUNYA kesempatan u/sukses, hanya orng yng pinter memanfaatkan tiga hal yg tadi gw bilang yg bisa sukses. Klo lw masih blm bisa manfaatin tiga hal yg gw bilang tadi pertanyaan yg jadi judul tulisan gw harusnya muncul di dalam pikiran lw. 

Kedua, munculin pola pikir I MUST BE BETTER THAN THE BEST. klo mau sukses, lw harus lebih sukses dari orng yg paling sukses. Klo islam dngn berpegangan  pada Man Jadda Wa Jadda (yg bersungguh2 pasti bisa) maka seharusnya lw bisa, tentu saja dengan perencanaan, eksekusi, dan kerja keras yg bener2 maksimal. klo lw cuma cukup ya, biasa2 aja, gk mungkin lw bisa saingan sama orng yg diatas lw. Dunia sekarang kompetitif, lw gk ada semangat untuk maju&lebih milih seneng yg gk penting, yaudh digiles waktu. U/munculin semangat ini, bisa lw praktekkin ketika lagi ngerjain tugas. Bikin itu tugas sebaik mungkin dan jadikan tugas lw itu lebih baik dari hasil tugas orng yg paling pinter yg lw kenal, bagus lagi orng tsb lw jadikan pemicu u/berhasil. Persaingan sah2 bro, mas, gk dosa. Lw klo hidup/belajar gk ada persaingan, gk bakal lw bisa semangat. 

Gw mau mempertegas lagi nih, klo lw masih nunggu deadline u/ngerjain tugas, yaudh, sulit pastinya bikin tugas lw jadi bagus. Mas, mba, orng yg finish sblm deadline aja masih banyak salah, & lw dengan menggeber u/ngejar deadline berharap bisa lebih bagus dari yg orng yg udh selese sblm deadline? it's less likely. analogi lain, Mobil F1 yg tinggal mengejar beberapa lap terakhir dengan bensin terbatas, gk bakal bisa ngejar mobil yg paling depan. sama halnya kayak ngerjain tugas, deadline tinggal h-mepet, bahan kurang, semangat ya semangat ngejar deadline, ya sulit bikin tugas lw bagus. Intinya, munculin semangat u/ngerjain tugas sblm deadline mengejar lw, sehingga lw bisa bener2 hasilin tugas yg bagus. Terakhir BE BETTER THAN THE BEST

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time: Friend or Enemy?

            As the title above said, actually it is your choice to make time your friend or your enemy. As myself, I’d prefer time to be my friend. So many people now don’t take times much into their account. I won’t talk in a big scope; I’ll talk in a smallest scope. I’m not to criticize, or to make a polemic. What I want is to warn us, to give advice about how precious time actually. It’s a two eyed-knife, whether you can control or you’re controlled and be crushed out. It’s your choice, but considers highly the first one, as you may find it fairly irritating by choosing the latter.
            First, time is very precious and it’ll never come back even for a tiny second, no matter how willing you are to make it back, it will never come back. You won’t feel it now, but latter when you realize that precious time you should’ve used well, lost. While it’s still in your side, use it well, do anything you can do to give you advantages. Don’t use time for nothing or even waste it by doing unimportant things or by delay the things you can do. There are so many things you can do, but prioritize it well. You can use time for fun, but also you must use time for i.e. studying and doing its task.
            Second, time is very powerful. It doesn’t recognize who you’re, what position currently you are, what you actually have, and so on. Whoever you’re, if you don’t use time well, time will crush you; it’ll turn the best into worst, the hope into memory, the plan into disaster, and the pride to shame. That’s why I said, you may not be able to be in this position, no matter how rich you’re now, it’s not your own wealth, except you are now working. Then, if you waste time for nothing, think for others who have funded you, your parents of course. I don’t know but, if you waste your studying chances and time for nothing and just getting the low score, what will you be latter? World keeps changing and your fate may not be the same as, let say your rich parents. If you can’t manage time, forget it to be successful; how can you be successful if you can’t manage your own time? Think for yourself, how good or even how bad have you used the time? What have you done? What result have you gained? Predict what will you be in future if you keep wasting time for nothing? You may not realize that you have wasted your time, but do wake up from that daydreaming, make your time be useful, if you don’t want to be crushed. World has now been competitive, the less competitive you’re, the less chance your success will be (or simply bye world you’ll be crushed). Bear it in your mind.
            As a conclusion, you may enjoy now your good time being somewhere wonderful and fantastic. You may enjoy your time with your friends. But one thing that you can’t or may not realize is that you have used time for nothing or simply you have wasted it, while others do their time to chase their dreams, their target, and their hope. Well, I recommend you to choose the first one, take time as your friends, or time will take you as enemy and crush you. Use time very well, gain any advantage from time. Chase your dreams, target, and hope you’ve set by managing time well. Otherwise, bye time will come to you as death angels and take the joy then turn it to disaster. Also don’t live in your dream, using time, LIVE UP Your dream. You’re not a dreamer and this world is not a fairly dreamland. Last sentence, Use time well, or time will use you up, simply being crushed by time.

Pandu DN

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ied Mubarak: to forgive and to not care of forgiving

Today is the night of ied mubarak, celebrated by all of moslem. What so special about this occasion is that we try to open our heart to forgive others mistake. It always is; after we have been fasting for around a month, here comes our victory. The ied mubarak tomorrow will be so special. I do feel the same. By writing this, I'd like to say happy ied mubarak to all of us, may god accept the good things we've done in ramadhan and forgive our mistakes and also forgive my mistakes which comes within me. 

I always have opened my heart for others, to forgive the mistakes others have done to myself. Moreover, this is ied mubarak, time to heal the pain and anger. But for me, there's one exception. I'm willing to forgive other people who may have made mistake to me, just, there's one person, whom I think I still can't forgive up to now, regardless this occasion. I don't care whether that person may think otherwise, but my stance and my position is definite. It's a dead score, I won't replenish, nor mending, yet to make it better. I won't, if I may say, to heal it for the long haul. It's definite stance which has been my decision. I'll let this condition of cold war stay as long as possible. I won't change my position regardless this occasion or other influence. I don't care about other may think about me but this is my decision which others can't influence nor to change. 

for conclusion, despite this exception, I'd like to congratulate you all; Happy ied mubarak, minal aidin walfaidzin, forgive my mistake for those come within me and inside myself, may Allah forgive us all, accept the things we've done previously.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Politics of Dynasty: Is it bad or good?

From yesterday, up to now, this issue, in which has been long quite unheard suddenly moves toward surface. Ya, the politics of dynasty. From the news, this was triggered by the intention of vice-governor in Banten  to step down from his position. Rano Karno, Banten's vice-governor allegedly wanted to leave his position since he thought there are no fair task allocation given to him. Mr. Karno probably thinks that as a vice-governor, he deserves to get better task allocation from his boss, the Banten's Governor Mrs Ratu Atu Choisyah. Since Rano Karno was an actor and functions as vote gatherer in the Banten Election, he may think that the tasks should be well allocated between him and the governor. Well, some political scientist and observer think this is the cause of the deteriorating relationship between this two 'holder' of Banten Province. 

The disharmony relationship between vice governor and the governor has long been the story of our local politics. This case isn't a new one, but there are others in which was ended with stepping down from the position, more likely the vice governor. We still remember that this happen when Mr. Fauzi Bowo was the Governor of Jakarta and Mr Prijanto was his Vice. The unfairly tasks allocation was the main problem of why finally Mr Prijanto resigned as Vice Governor of Jakarta before he should actually end in 2012.  The other was the resignation of Dicky Chandra as wakil bupati (Vice Mayor) of Garut Regency, West Java. The background of his case isn't too much different from the previous one. This unfairly tasks allocation is still in the top as the cause of the disharmony relationship between our local leader. 

Though the unfairly task allocation is still in the top as the cause of this phenomenon, many political observer and scientist still think that there are another factors. The one that I'd like to highlight is the politics of dynasty which has been a political phenomenon in Indonesia. In this case, politics of dynasty is phenomenon when the leader in the local level mobilizes his/her family to compete in election and govern certain area within his/her province. This can be seen in Banten where Mrs Ratu Atut mobilizes her family to govern several regency and area within her Province. Many political scientist and observer are still arguing about the impact of this phenomenon. As a political scientist, I'd like to view this phenomenon as fair as possible. Firstly, if we see it from the 'goggles' of democracy, there's nothing wrong with this phenomenon. Everyone can compete in the election as long as they fulfill the requirements set by the election agency and written in the law. As democracy emphasizes the freedom, everyone has rights to be chosen as the leader. Whether we like it or not, it's a democracy we've been long to hope and dream. Democracy guarantees the rights of everyone to be chosen as a leader. It's the point, the freedom and political right is guaranteed by democracy.

Even though democracy guarantees the freedom, this thing happens to be a paradox. Every one has a right to be chosen as a leader, but if the leader employs their family and relatives to lead several area and regency within his/her province, this may injure the meaning of democracy itself. Employing all family to govern within his/her province will automatically block the chances of others to have the same chance as the leader. If this happened, then it's not a democracy anymore, but more likely oligarchy or elite-democracy. it's a nightmare of the democracy itself. Democracy guaranteed that every one has a right to be chosen, but if it's been block, then only certain people who have relations to the leader get a chance to lead. If we've been in democracy for quite long, so what's the meaning of democracy for us if this happened? if we back to the case of Mr Rano Karno as Banten's Vice-Governor, many political scientist and also the legislative member from his party offer this phenomenon as a reason of why Mr Karno wants to resign. The electability of Rano Karno is quite high, above Mrs Atut. Allegedly  has prepared one of her family member to continue the leadership in 2017 as she can not again lead Banten since this term is her second. If this happened, again, this is the nightmare of democracy. 

After all this explanation, there's a question: how should the government react to this phenomenon? should it be prohibited to have family member or relatives govern certain area? if this question is asked to me, my best answer will be: Government should not prohibit this phenomenon as this will again injure our democracy. The best way that government can do is to limit the time. If one of the family member has led the province or certain regions, the other family member or relatives should wait at least one period ( five years) before he/she is able to compete in election. This is I think the best way. By giving a one period off, other candidate which come outside the family/relative circle still have a chance to govern the area. This is not for just the fairness sake but also for the goodness of our democracy which guarantees everyone to have a chance to be chosen. As a closing statement, politics of dynasty can't be prohibited, but we can control it by limiting the time.

Pandu Dewa Nata

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labor’s Day: A May Day Democracy

            Well, today May 1st, as always, it’s the commemoration of international labor’s day. Every labor in the world celebrates today as a symbol of a very giant labor movement. Here, in Indonesia, esp. Jakarta, the celebration was actually a demonstration by labor from every industrial area nearby. They all marched from their factory to Jakarta. What they want, don’t change but add. As always, they demand the rise of salary and social security, the additional is their refusal upon the raising price of subsidized gasoline. The demonstration was hectic and crowded. The traffic jams were anywhere. This phenomenon simply can be seen as a democracy by labor, strike and demand for their will.
            Marx theory won’t change. The cycle will always stay as it’s: the class conflict will always happen no matter what. Labors always demand for their prosperity to be fulfilled; their boss, the entrepreneur as the owner of capital will always demand the cheap salary to be paid to the labors. It’s what Marx said; this will lead to a conflict between classes, labor vs. the boss, the worker vs. the capital owner. What you saw this afternoon was actually the real picture of a modern conflict between these two classes. The strike, the demonstration are how the labors show what they want from their boss. Though, this can be seen as democracy by the labors, this demonstration is also can be seen as the modern conflict of what Marx says as proletarian vs. bourgeois. As Marx said, this conflict will be a cycle, the labors will try to take down their boss and so will their boss, but in this century, the conflict won’t be a take-down cycle. The cycle will stay as follow, if labors demands aren’t met, they’ll stop working. Well then, this might lead to a total loss for the capital owner, well to manage this, the capital owner will find another place to invest, of course a place where a cheap labor (still) can be found. As Marx said, this cycle will lead to a classless society. This society without class is simply utopia; it’s hard to reach, but the cycle of conflict between these two classes will always happen, since what they’re trying to reach is everything about economy and prosperity, as in economy, “human will never be satisfied”. This also happened in labor, as the price of daily needs is raising, and now the gasoline will rise up, as the economy development is going very well, they demand to be given a high rise also for their salary and social security. These capital owners don’t want to fulfill as whole. So, this cycle won’t stop and will likely be a vicious cycle.
            Well, it’s hard to find the best way to solve. Maybe Max right, the classless society will be reached if this vicious cycle keep rolling for uncountable times. I appreciate this democracy of labor. They’re doing countless effort to demand what the best for them. They’re oppressed in their work, and so are the capital owners, they’re depressed to fulfill and to pay the high rise of their workers. I admit, these things are complicated, even Marx said the only way to find the best solution was revolution, but it’s hard to make a revolution in this democracy age. The median of this problem is hard to find, but the conflict is easy to ignite. Well, maybe (again) Marx right, the democratic ‘revolution’ is the only hope labors still have, by doing demonstration till the capital owners fulfill their demand. Let’s hope they will and willing to do.
Happy Labor’s Day

Pandu Dewa Nata (CF12)
Political Adviser, Military and Intelligence Analyst
MMPSIS, Jakarta, Indonesia